Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness or focusing their mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. Meditation reduces stress-related conditions such as anxiety, depression, heart conditions, and many more benefits if practices correctly. When we meditate, the brain and nervous system undergo radical changes that reduce and prevent these conditions.

Discovery Statement
The Third Industrial Revolution, which began around the 1980s, changed our perspective of the world. We became career-focused individuals. Yet, The Fourth Industrial Revolution has yet to come as early as 2030. Many of us were growing into a busy lifestyle and encouraged on a busy lifestyle without having enough time for ourselves. We have developed technology to help us connect and reach as farthest as possible, but somehow, we made our life so busy that we don't have time for ourselves anymore. Self-observation is a key to happiness. Knowing and understanding what we want is the most important aspect of anyone's life. We are not here to work all the time. We are here on this earth to connect to our best selves. Build our best self. A career or a job is a way of making money, which is not a purpose in life, and this is why depression is more common in elders and in western countries vs eastern cultures where the focus is on self-more than other cultures.
We are not against technology or a career that lasts you a lifetime and makes you money. We are focusing on how to combine technology and our understanding of human behaviors to build and create a systematic app to guide you and guide you through creating and building new habits based on your personality. Competitor Analysis
There are so many different Meditation apps on the market, and this makes the UX process a lot more fun and challenging.
I accepted this challenge. For our competitor analysis, we chose 3 apps that have good interfaces as well as good UX. The best part of this process is the fact that we can understand the strength and weaknesses of our competitors as well as room for improvement and learn from them as well. .

We set up an online survey to understand user needs and to build our concept. We collected data through surveys and questionnaires about 100 people using in-person and online methods to gather data about why they use such an app on their phone, how do they like it and so on. I have attached the actual survey link that we have created.

We have developed personas based on the results of our research.

Information Architecture & User Journey Map
My approach to building the Information Architecture is to write down all the main features and items on a whiteboard. Next, we can group them together and start card sorting based on features and categories to build and generate our IA and Sitemap

UI Kit & Mood-board

Once collection of Colors, moldboard and feeling is complete, then and only then we collect the main colors. In this case the colors have defined as follows.
As a designer we don't just pick a color. We research, understand the different meaning and aroused feelings based on each color category.

Layout & Grid

During the project, we used a design sprint and the 4 D model (Double Diamond) to approach the problem. The process started with understanding the problem and the concept, followed by research, ideation, decision-making, prototyping, validation, and testing.
We discovered that the language and tone used in meditation apps are crucial. One of the key takeaways was that many users preferred the fun and tone of Headspace over other apps. This led us to conduct further research on the topic. Additionally, we learned that users appreciated having a course, direction, or goal for their meditation, rather than it being completely open-ended.
We realized that frustrating users on a meditation app is never a good idea. Therefore, we are happy with our process and are now planning to create a meditation room. We are also building a bed to test the idea, which will work like a massage chair, allowing users to sit, choose their meditation, and duration.
Lastly, we appreciate you are taking the time.
If you have any projects in mind or if you need a free consultation, please don't hesitate to contact us.